That’s right in a post-COVID, remote working and inclusive world there should never be another meeting. But for some reason whenever there is a decision to be made, a challenge to be met or information to be shared the first reaction seems to be “Let’s have a meeting”! Nothing gets my eyes rolling more than those four words strung together in a sentence.
Let’s assume for a minute that I am wrong and meetings are not only essential but potentially awesome. What would it take to set up the perfect meeting?
1) Aligned definition of what the purpose of a meeting is. For example, if agree that a meeting is a tool that allows the transfer of information. It should provide a specific amount of time allowed for individuals or groups to gather and inform, request or demonstrate something to other participants.
2) Aligned definition of what a meeting is not. A meeting is not a team alignment exercise, a workshop, a brainstorming session, a debate, a lecture, a stand-up, or an individual presentation nor is it a town hall. These are just some examples of other ways to transfer information or align teams around processes, procedures or even potential tactical solutions.
3) Timeboxing for success. To have the perfect meeting we need to intentionally timebox a specific amount of time that allows for the transfer of specific information without going over time. (See above Aligned definition) A 15-minute meeting is at times more productive than the same meeting stretched out to an hour. Remember work expands to fill the time you give it so be intentional about the time you allow.
Here is a good reference
4) A facilitator is key to helping the meeting stay on time and topic. The role of the facilitator is to guide the team through the transfer of information and to a specific outcome.
5) A focus on the outcome is essential to running a meeting. Who is this meeting for and what problem is it solving for them? There is a reason that all the most successful YouTubers start with the title and thumbnail before shooting their videos.
We have all sat through a meeting where someone has taken up 80% of the allocated meeting time to read word for word a PowerPoint that they could have sent out to the team to read or better yet made a video that could be watched at a time that works best for each of those requiring the information. This is disappointing and selfish behaviour that shows a total lack of respect for the most valuable resource any employee has and that is time.
So, even if you disagree with me and you are still convinced you need meetings, please take a breath and ask yourself if there is an alternative before you do.